Wednesday, February 7, 2018

6.01: Cousins and Distant Relations

Hello, hello!

It feels like it's been ages but it's only been a couple days. Hm.

Last time: Not much happened, actually. Demi took the reigns, but hasn't done much. Cam's almost reached the top of her career, though!

So let's see what this post has for us, yeah?

 Ooh, cousins and distant relatives!

Trinity, Kaydence's eldest daughter.

Damion and Eleanor, Jalen's twins.

Joel and Maxwell, Zach's kids.

Hmm. Max was cuter as a child. Please let Zach and Shannon's genes mixed better with little Joel.

Quinton and Arianna, Ashely's twins.

Aidan, Traci, and Finnegan, Pedro's children.

Mandy, Jazlyn's daughter.

Kailyn, Madelyn's kid. Even though she's an elder, Christ.

Okay, main family now.

Cam is working out even though she's old and has maxed the fitness skill, and Demi's still playing chess with Gaelira.

BFFs with a Sim with the Good trait! :D

Promotion! Cam has topped the criminal career!

She's not even a full skill point away from maxing logic, but is only halfway through fitness. We're working on it.

Hi, Jalen!


. . . I may or may not have used MCCC to look for an elder due to die. ((I am determined to not look at Cam, though.))

Ashely's time is up, apparently.

That does not mean I personally was prepared. She and Cam were my favorites of generation five. :(

But hey, if you can't tell from the fading criminal mask there, Cam's aspiration is complete!

I'm still sad, though.

Demi gets home from work and invites one of her potential datemates over.

Can you guess which one?

. . . . . . . . . !

If you said Evie, you were right. I figured out what my dumb ass was missing last time I tried this -- I have MC WooHoo now, and same-sex pregnancy is enabled.

However, by the time I realized all of this, it was around 3 am, and the game needs to be restarted for the setting to actually set, so.

Next post there shall be a TFB.

But, before I go . . . Kaydence's triplets aged up:

. . . Colette and Kade kinda got the short end of the gene stick. Which sucks, because Kaydence and Rosalie are really pretty, so I have no idea what happened. O_O

((And, looking at Trinity's picture in the beginning . . . why did Kaitlyn's hair color change to black? I thought she was supposed to be blonde when I was in there, but screw it. Genetic variety!))

Oh my god there are like no pictures here of the part of the family you're actually reading for. This post is like 85-90% cousins and distant relatives. I'll work on that.

That's all I got right now. It's late and I need my sleep, so I'm told.

Next time: Baby! And I dunno what else. We'll find out together.

I'll see you all later!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

6.0: I Like Her Face

Hello, hello!

Can you believe we're over halfway through this challenge now?

 . . . Actually I started this in May of 2017. It should probably be further along than this, if not finished already.

But whatever. Halfway!

Last time: Anderson died, Cam almost completed her aspiration, and Demi aged up.

This time: Demi begins her reign!

Let's get started!

Violet only calls at night to come over, so usually I say no because everyone's asleep. But Demi's social is low and her energy's not too low, so.

((And yes I did age Violet down to YA ages ago -- because I learned I like her a lot back when Demi was a toddler -- so she's not an Elder yet.))

Cam's wardrobe was changed a bit, since her Elder birthday is just a few days away.

More working on her handiness. She needs one more skill point before she can be promoted.

. . . I took this for a reason . . . what was it?

Well, she's skilling, too.


Also, lovely face, Demi.

She needs charisma for work, and she gains this skill really quick, jeez.


That's a goal for Gen Six done, and all but one thing for Cam's aspiration.

. . . I need an Elder to hang out by their house and die while Cam's home.

. . . Hey, Demi?

You left the fridge open.

I know you weren't raised in a barn, so what's your excuse?


Happy Birthday, Cam!

I missed the candle picture because my game suddenly started playing a little shit, but Cam's old now!

This is Evie Delgato. I like her face. I am very tempted.

But first I need to check the MCCC settings to see what the settings are on same-sex pregnancy to make sure it'd be Demi carrying -- because with that age difference, Evie isn't moving in.

((And then my game started running even more shit, so save + exit annd reopen . . .))

Getting some flirting in -- after learning all three of her traits, as the optional goal states.

She is very receptive.

((Not TFB . . . the option isn't available, even though I know I have same-sex pregnancy enabled? Hmm.))

Welp. Off to the park, I guess. We'll play in the fountain.

This is Eiren -- an OC that I plan to use for the next challenge I do -- which will be the Trailer Park Teens Challenge.

I was excited to make them, so I have the lot and the household in my library now, even though I won't be playing it until this one is done.

So enjoy Eiren's cute with me for now. ((Which is weird to say because the actual character would never be described as cute by anyone -- except maybe the antagonist in a super condescending way.))

Playing in the fountain again -- but with company this time.

Hmm. Hi, Jayson. You're interesting. ((And married, apparently.))

Hi, Riyor! 

Oh, married but receptive! Well. Far be it from me to not take advantage.

We invited him to stay the night. Still not a TFB -- she still has almost twenty days until her YA birthday, so I think I'll wait 'till we're a little closer to that before having a baby.

He left in the morning, but Gaelira called asking to come over. She's only a Teen, but they became really close friends back when Demi was a child, and I think Gaelira got the Good trait when she aged up, so they can totally be BFFs.

I just gotta get them there.

((Then my game started running super shit again, so it was shut down for the night.))

I think that'll be it for tonight, as it's after two in the morning. So we got a Cam birthday and two romantic interests. If I can get the same-sex TFB working we're absolutely keeping with Evie, but otherwise Jayson will do. :P

Next time: Who knows? Maybe my game will run well long enough to get around to baby and birthdays?

I will see you when we get there!